S’more Tart
July 2, 2010

As I am sure everyone has noticed there has been a shortage of posting around here lately. Things have been a bit hectic to say the least. Between packing up to move and driving cross country (with a two year old) there hasn’t been much time for anything. I am hoping to get back to baking and posting on a regular basis, but with all my kitchen things in storage while we wait for our house to be ready I may be a bit limited for a while. Rather than seeing it as a problem, I am considering it a test of my creativity. We’ll have to see what happens.
With the 4th of July coming up I just have to post my recipe for a S’more tart. It is just what is sounds like. A tart with all the flavors and components of a classic s’more. Something about barbecues always makes me think of s’mores, so when thinking about what to make for the 4th of July this seemed like a fun take on tradition. The tart consists of a graham cracker crust topped with chocolate ganache and a thick layer of marshmallow. A bit less messy to eat than a hot gooey smore, but just as delicious. A perfect way to bump up a s’more into an elegant dessert.
I made my tart with homemade marshmallow. I highly recommend taking the time to make the marshmallows. As I have said many times before homemade marshmallows are worth making because they are so much better than store bought. I make them every chance I get, they might be one of my favorite things to eat and make. However, if you are short on time (or have a hard time finding real kosher gelatin) the tart would also be tasty topped with packaged marshmallows. There won’t be a smooth layer on top, but they will still be toasty and delicious. Put the packaged marshmallows on the ganache layer when it is partially, but not fully set, so that they will stick.
S’more Tart
Graham cracker crust
1 1/2 cups finely ground graham cracker crumbs
1/3 cup sugar
6 tablespoons margarine, melted
Chocolate Ganache Layer
1 cup (8 oz) unsweetened coconut milk (not cream of coconut), well mixed
9 oz bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped
Vanilla Marshmallow Layer
1/4 cup + 1 tablespoons (2.5 oz) cold water
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1 1/2 tablespoons powdered gelatin (only real gelatin will work. Click here for more information on kosher gelatin)
6 tablespoons (3 oz) cold water
10 tablespoons corn syrup
pinch of salt
3/4 cups granulated sugar
For Crust
Preheat the oven to 375. Generously grease a 9-inch tart pan with a removable bottom, making sure to get all the way to the top of the pan. Mix all crust the ingredients in a medium bowl. Press mixture firmly into the bottom of the prepared pan. Bake for 7-10 minutes, or until lightly browned. Place in the refrigerator while preparing the ganache.
For Ganache Layer
Place chocolate in a large bowl. Heat coconut milk until just boiling, either on the stovetop or in the microwave. Pour hot coconut milk over the chocolate and let sit for 5 minutes. Whisk gently until completely smooth. If some chocolate remains unmelted microwave the mixture on 50% power in 15 second intervals, whisking after each one, until the chocolate is completely melted. Pour into the prepared crust and refrigerate until firm, at least one hour.
For Marshmallow Layer
Combine the first three ingredients in a medium bowl and whisk until well blended and smooth. Set aside.
Combine second quantity of water, corn syrup, salt and sugar in a 4-quart saucepan and place over medium heat. When the mixture comes to a boil brush down the sides of the pan above the upper surface of the syrup with a clean, moistened pastry brush or paper towel to dissolve any remaining sugar crystals. Do not stir the syrup once it comes to a boil.
Place a candy or instant read thermometer into the syrup and continue to cook, without stirring, until syrup reaches 248F. Remove pan from heat and carefully stir in gelatin mixture.
Pour the mixture into the bowl of an electric stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment. Starting at medium speed gradually increase the mixer speed to high. While the mixture is beating remove the tart with the ganache from the refrigerator. Beat the mixture for 10-12 minutes. When done it should look white and fluffy and the bowl will no longer be hot to the touch.
Using a wet spatula scrape mixture into prepared pan on top of ganache. Spread into a smooth even layer using a wet spatula (or well moistened hands). Set tart aside, uncovered, at room temperature for at least 4 hours or over night.
If desired, toast top of the tart with a kitchen torch or broiler. Press up on bottom of pan to release tart from the pan. If using the broiler let the tart sit for a little while before removing from the pan and cutting to allow time for the ganache to re-harden.
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Recipe Page: https://www.couldntbeparve.com/recipe/smore-tart/
Looking forward to making the smores tart for a July 4th bbq. Thanks for posting today!!! 😀 Shabbat Shalom!
Hey, wow! What a coincidence: I stopped in here looking for your classic s’mores bars recipe, which I haven’t made in quite a while, and found this instead. It’s not 4th of July here, but kind of a long weekend in celebration of Canada Day (which was really yesterday, but any excuse for a 4-day weekend, right?).
Now I have to decide… the classic… or the tart? I have all the ingredients for both. This is TOUGH! (life is hard, right? :-))
p.s. dd1 (who hates both but helped me choose) decided on the tart. I’m wondering if I can top it with marshmallow fluff, or some combination of marshmallow fluff with mini-marshmallows sprinkled over it. That would be smoother, but might liquefy under the broiler. Hmm… I know you’re busy, but input might be helpful! 🙂
@Jennifer in MamaLand, I hope you enjoy the tart and even more importantly the long weekend. I haven’t tried it myself, but I imagine marshmallow fluff would work ok. It might be hard to slice, though, because it will stay gooey and not solidify like marshmallows will. If you decide to use the fluff I recommend freezing the whole tart (with the fluff) for at least an hour before broiling it. That way the rest will stay cooler and the fluff is less likely to liquify entirely under the broiler. Keep a close eye on it and then let the whole thing come to room temperature before serving. Let me know how it goes if you decide to use the fluff!
@Shoshana, it worked GREAT!!! I didn’t see this advice, so didn’t freeze the fluff layer, but it was alright. I spread it very thickly over top (it was a bit messy, with chocolate peeking through in spots), then sprinkled some mini-marshmallows over it. The mini-marshmallows burnt a bit in the broiler, which – believe it or not! – lent that perfect campfire flavour! Guests raved – so simple to prepare; this is a keeper!
Glad to see you’re still posting. This looks like a keeper, and I will definitely be trying it. Good luck with your move – I hate moving.
That looks amazing. I am totally trying that now that I live somewhere where I can get your brand of kosher gelatin. You are so brave to drive cross country with a toddler!
I’m glad you are in a place where you can get the gelatin, I’m so sorry the first attempt to get it to you failed. Now you can join me in the fun world of homemade marshmallows! I look forward to seeing them on your blog soon.
This looks amazing. I bet it would be delicious with an Italian meringue or a 7 minute frosting on top instead of marshmallows, too.
I think you’re right. A meringue topping would be slightly different in taste in texture but delicious as well. Thanks for the good idea when I don’t have time for the marshmallows to set.
This was excellent. We made it for the 4th, and people really thought “it couldn’t be pareve.” Tasted just like a s’more. I was skeptical of the marshmallows, but after finding fish gelatin, it actually worked. We will make this again. I didn’t use all of the marshmallow topping when I first made this, since it seemed like it would be too much. But in the end, the tart could have used more, since the chocolate somewhat overpowered the other flavors. Yasher Koach!
I’m glad you liked the tart. It is good to know that the marshmallows worked well with fish gelatin, because depending on location that is often easier to find than kosher animal gelatin. Thanks for letting all of us know.
Thanks for posting this comment. I have used fish gelatin before, but found it added an unpleasant tartness to the finished chocolate dessert (I used it in a mousse pie). I was surprised because chocolate usually masks tastes, but I couldn’t even finish a single piece of the pie. Did you find there was any residual taste from the gelatin???
Whoa, this is my dream come true. I cannot wait to make this!