Mexican Chocolate Ice Cream
November 4, 2009

Sometimes great recipes come about by accident. I was experimenting with making cinnamon ice cream using a mimiccreme base and the custard turned out tasting very egg-y with almost no cinnamon flavor. Never one to throw out food that could be salvaged I threw in pinch of this and a few ounces of that. The end result was an ultra delicious mexican chocolate ice cream with the spice of cinnamon, heat of chile, and the sweet creaminess of chocolate. We absolutely loved it, and I knew I wanted to be able to make it again.
The way I made it the first time was kind of like reaching all the way around the back of your head in order to scratch your nose, so as I made the recipe again I streamlined it. And this time measured as I went so I would have a recipe to use in the future. The ice cream has a bit of graininess which I loved because it is a similar texture to mexican chocolate, the main inspiration for the recipe. Chile powder can vary greatly in strength depending on age and other factors, so start with the smaller amount and add more to taste.
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Mexican Chocolate Ice Cream
November 4, 2009
Ingredients & Instructions
Ingredients & Quantities
- 2 cups sweetened mimiccreme
- 1/4 cup cocoa powder
- 2 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2-1 tsp ancho chile powder
- 1 oz chocolate, melted and cooled

Preparation Instructions
Combine the mimiccream, cocoa and spices in a small sauce pan and heat, stirring, until dissolved and warm. Pour the mixture into a blender, add the chocolate, and blend until smooth.
Chill the mixture in the refrigerator and then freeze in an ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If the mixture seems too thick after chilling in the refrigerator a few good stirs should make it pourable again. Transfer to an airtight container and freeze until solid.
Recipe Details
Recipe Times
Recipe Yield
1 pint
Recipe Categories
Mexican Chocolate Ice Cream
November 4, 2009

Recipe Details
Recipe Yield
1 pint
Prep Time
Cook Time
Total Time
Ingredients & Quantities
- 2 cups sweetened mimiccreme
- 1/4 cup cocoa powder
- 2 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2-1 tsp ancho chile powder
- 1 oz chocolate, melted and cooled
Preparation & Cooking
Combine the mimiccream, cocoa and spices in a small sauce pan and heat, stirring, until dissolved and warm. Pour the mixture into a blender, add the chocolate, and blend until smooth.
Chill the mixture in the refrigerator and then freeze in an ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If the mixture seems too thick after chilling in the refrigerator a few good stirs should make it pourable again. Transfer to an airtight container and freeze until solid.
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Hi, love your blog. I just got some unsweetened Mimiccream at Kosherfest. Is that where you got it also? (i.e., is it commercially available somewhere that you know of?) I was planning to do a pareve "cream" vegetable bisque kind of thing with the unsweetened stuff.
Liz (from Classically Kosher)
Hi Liz,
I love your blog as well! I actually ordered my Mimiccream directly from the company because as far as I know the only retail store in the NY area that sells it is in Staten Island. I haven't tried it in savory applications so I would love to hear how the soup comes out!
That sounds really delicious. I love the combo of chocolate and cinnamon and the bit of heat is nice too.
just wonder what is Mimiccream? I live in Israel and have never heard of it. any body know where to buy it here and the name in hebrew? Thanks 🙂
Hi Batsheva,
Mimiccreme is an all natural cream substitute made from a variety of nuts. It is a relatively new product (it came out in the last few years) so I am not sure if it is available in Israel or not. The company website only seems to have North American locations listed to purchase it, so probably not, but if anyone knows otherwise please let us all know.
Hi everyone – I live in NSW, Australia and have been buying Mimiccreme from Bibina Pty Ltd in Newcastle for a few years now. However, they now don’t seem to be able to get it. I’d be really grateful if anyone in Australia knows where else I can buy it – I love it!!
Hi Shoshana – from New South Wales in Australia. I’ve been buying Mimiccreme from Bibina Pty Ltd in Newcastle for a few years now. However, recently they don’t seem to be able to get it. I’m so disappointed, as I use it to make my ice cream too and I’d love to make your recipe – it looks so delicious! If anyone in Australia could tell me where to buy this wonderful product, I’d be really grateful – I love it!!
Hi Katie,
Unfortunately I don’t know where Mimiccreme is available in Australia, but if anyone else knows please let us all know. Sorry I can’t be more help.
I would also love to know where you can buy Mimiccreme in Australia – I am in Brisbane and would really love to give it a try
I’m very sorry I can’t help, but I have no idea where to get Mimiccreme in Australia. If anyone knows please leave a comment! You can also check the mimiccreme website ( which might have a list of distributors,
I made this and it was seriously not good!!! Quite a waste of ingredients as the MimicCreme was over $6 for the container. Is there an ingredient missing? Like maybe SUGAR? In addition, despite spending a good hour in the ice cream machine and overnight in the freezer, it never froze solid which is weird because I’ve frozen Mimc Creme before.
That said the pear trifle with custard from another post on this bog is one of the best Parave desserts I’ve ever had.
I am so sorry you found this to be a waste of ingredients. Did you use sweetened or unsweetened mimiccreme? This recipe calls for sweetened mimiccreme which is basically a ready to go ice cream base that just needs added flavoring. If you thought the recipe needed sugar perhaps you used the unsweetened one by mistake. If you still have it you can melt it, heat it over the stove and dissolve sugar in it to taste and then try refreezing it.
Where did you find mimiccreme? I was under the impression that the company had closed and it was no longer available? Is that not true?
I’m glad you like the pear trifle, it is one of my favorite desserts!
Thank you for the suggestion to melt it and add sugar. I will try that. Not sure if I used sweetened or unsweetened MimicCreme as the container went out in the trash.
I found the MimicCreme at Sunset Foods in Highland Park, IL. They had 3 containers on the shelf and did say they could order more. I believe the company no longer sells direct to consumers but you can ask your grocer to order it through one of the wholesale distributors.