The Sweetness of Shabbat
July 4, 2008
I love having guests for Shabbat dinner. Ever since college, when I would regularly host 20+ people for Shabbat dinner, welcoming guests is one of my favorite things to do. I love the feeling of friends sitting around savoring the sweetness of shabbat. Literally. I plan my shabbat meals around the desserts. No exaggeration. The dessert is the first menu item I pick, often the entire meal is planned around the dessert. It is an excuse for me to make the things I love to make without my family having to eat the entire thing ourselves. If I could, I would serve several desserts and call it a night. See, I love to bake all things sweet. I don’t mind baking bread, but my true passion is for pastry. Cakes, cookies, custards, pastries, and candy, I love it all.
This week in honor of the 4th of July I decided to make some s’more cookies. Living in New York, actual grills are hard to come by, so I am making an all American shabbat dinner with my grill pan for steaks and s’more cookies for dessert. Not quite a BBQ but the best I can do this year. The cookies reflect my current obsession– making marshmallows. (more will follow on this in a later post). I have a silpat full of marshmallow strings setting in the kitchen waiting to be cut into mini-marshmallows and made into cookies.
Assuming all goes well, I will post pictures along with the recipe after shabbat.
Recipe Updates – Delivered Fresh!
I can’t wait to try them!!