Shana Tova – A Sweet New Year
September 28, 2008

One side effect of being a rabbinical student who travels to student pulpits for the High Holidays is that I almost never have a chance to cook or bake for the holiday. Since there are no honey cakes or round challah coming out of my kitchen this year (at least not yet) I am posting a picture of my honey bears to sweeten the new year. These are not your standard grocery store honey bears! They are an assortment of honeys from my favorite honey farm. Each one tastes unique and delicious. My favorite from this collection is the orange blossom, my husband favors the sage. My absolutely favorite honey, the lavender infused honey, is not a part of the collection, but it is worth getting on its own. Drizzled over greek yogurt with fruit and nuts it makes the perfect breakfast treat!
Wishing everyone a sweet and healthy new year!
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